By learning new skills, we increase our understanding of the world around us and equip ourselves with the tools we need to live a more productive and fulfilling life, finding ways to cope with the challenges that life, inevitably, throws at us.’ –
What takes place before teaching in the classroom?
At St. Anthony’s the intention is to allow the students to develop and recognise a range of skills that will be invaluable when they start work or volunteering. We aim to support all children to increase their self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement by enabling each child to access a variety of challenges which prepare the learner for life beyond school.
Our broad, enriching curriculum aims to encourage children in Key Stage 4 to follow the right path for their learning style and ability, either accessing the ASDAN Personal Support Programmes or the Towards Independence modules. The former focuses on being practical, engaging and flexible and centres on personalised learning. Students work to their strengths and flourish, developing self-esteem through improved knowledge and skills in something they already enjoy.They also can utilise their credits to take forward into Further Education. The latter provides a framework of activities through which personal, social and independence skills can be developed and accredited. Students can use it to move towards Entry 1 qualifications in Personal Progress.
We are committed to ensuring children understand the value and importance of developing these life skills as crucial tools for their lives in the future. We have chosen modules which we believe will be most useful for our pupils and their needs.
The Senior Leadership Team will:
- Lead the school staff to develop a clear overarching curriculum intent which drives the ongoing development and improvement of all curriculum subjects
- Ensure that the curriculum leaders have appropriate time to develop their specific curriculum intent through careful research and professional development.
- Provide sufficient funding to ensure that implementation is high quality.
The Health Curriculum Leader will work closely with the subject teachers to:
- Understand and articulate the expectations of the Health Department to the Headteacher and Governing Body.
- Support teaching and support staff.
- Ensure an appropriate progression of knowledge is in place which supports pupils in knowing and remembering more life skills.
- Ensure an appropriate progression of life skills and knowledge is in place over time so that pupils are supported to be as independent they can be, and challenge teachers to support those who need to work at a preparatory level and those who need extending in the PDP.
What does this look like in the classroom?
Teaching and Learning YAS
- All pupils from Year 10 and 11 receive a double lesson of YAS each week.
- ASDAN provision is overseen by a qualified Teacher and SSA’s who have a wealth of subject specific experience and moderation.
- Pupils experience a range of appropriate activities based on the ASDAN curriculum as an awarding body whose primary focus is to provide learners with academic and vocational education.
- The Curriculum Progression document is a skills based overview showing how we plan for progression in the modules:
- Gold/Silver/Bronze- initial planning for the beginning of the programme focuses on the smaller Section A challenges and then moving towards the more project based Section B work.
- Towards Independence modules have been chosen specifically for the needs of our learners with the focus at the start of the course being to enable students to self-reflect and understand who they are and their emotions, moving through to the main module of developing their communication skills, which are often huge barriers in our learners’ lives. Finally, as they approach the end of their time at school, the attention focuses on helping them develop independent life skills such as organisation and household skills.
- Lessons are engaging and pupils are challenged by the curriculum they are provided with.
- Lessons take account of Rosenshine’s Principles – 17 Principles of Effective Instruction. (see separate document)
- Children have the opportunity to respond in a variety of ways: These may include discussion, literacy, practical activities, visits, drama, arts and crafts; all dependent of the requirements of the modules.
- Aspects such as research about other times and cultures, other cultures and religions will be included at relevant points throughout each academic year through modules such as ’Beliefs and Values’.
Classroom Organisation
- Pupils work in a whole class, small groups or individually to support pupils in their development of their skills.
- Differentiation and personalisation are planned for within activities and allowance is made for ability and experience.
- We provide appropriate equipment for example ironing boards and food and drink. Engaging displays and learning walls are evident.
- Support staff are deployed effectively to enhance learning.
Extra-Curricular Opportunities:
- We provide an extension folder of work for those working towards their Personal Support Programme who wish to achieve Gold and need the extra credits to do this.
How is success measured in the Youth Award Scheme?
Life Skills contributes to broader curriculum aims by educating the emotional, intellectual and holistic development of children and their journey towards adult life. The teaching of ASDAN qualifications enables the development of crucial skills; not just practical but those such as teamwork, discussion, making choices and self-reflection. They will support each other in their endeavours through peer assessment and understanding of each other’s abilities whilst sharing thoughts and information about their lives and feelings.
Our pupils are:
- Engaged because they are challenged by the curriculum which they are provided with.
- Resilient learners who are learning to overcome barriers and understand their own strengths and areas for development.
- Safe and happy to be active participants in YAS lessons (having been given opportunities to explore their own development of skills in a supportive and nurturing environment).
- Showing progression of knowledge and understanding, with appropriate vocabulary and technical skills which support and extend learning.
- Becoming confident in discussing their own work and identifying their own strengths and areas for development.
- Pupils are provided with personalised booklets showing their subject requirements and targets. These are ASDAN specific and allow pupils to tailor their learning to specific strengths and interests.
- Pupils keep a folder of evidence of how they are meeting ASDAN targets.
- Data is recorded following each section completed and feedback given. This enables staff to identify pupils who need additional support and develop those meeting or exceeding expectations.
- Pupils are encouraged and nurtured to overcome any barriers to their learning or self-confidence because feedback is positive and related to pupil strengths and constructive comments.
- Assessment shows that pupils develop knowledge of self, communication and independence skills over time because of careful planning, focused delivery and time to practice and hone skills.
- Observation, listening, questioning, discussing, photographs and involvement in the activities are used to make assessments.
- Assessment in YAS takes account of the practical nature of the subject in which information is collected and stored while pupils are involved in acquiring and applying their life skills.
- We monitor the impact of our YAS provision through ongoing assessments, lesson observations, learning walks, performances and work scrutiny.
- In addition to academic achievement, social emotional progress including self-confidence, interaction with and awareness of others and self-reflection may be discussed during Annual Reviews, in EOY reports, parent consultation evenings, open evenings and in postcards home to parents.
For more curriculum information about what pupils study in this subject please visit our curriculum and exams provision page .