Primary Coffee Mornings – Dates

Parents/Carers are welcome to join us and meet each other. Letters about the coffee mornings with exact times will be sent to you from your child’s class teacher. If you need any help or have not received your letter, please contact the school office.

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Term Dates and School Calendar

Just a reminder that you can view our term dates and school calendar for Autumn 2021 to Summer 2022 via the link provided below! Enjoy the rest of the Summer Holidays, 2021. Kind regards Malc Ferris IT Dept TERM DATES AND SCHOOL CALDENDAR 2021 – 22

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Transition 2021

Primary Department Primary Department Handbook for Pupils 2021 – 22 St. Anthony’s Primary Department Tour Infants Information for Parents 2021 – 22 Important Information Junior Department 2021 – 22 Junior Department Welcome to Our School 2021 – 22 Example Junior Timetable Example Junior ASD Timetable Secondary Department Transition Secondary Department Handbook for Pupils 2021 –…

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Our Therapy Dog Bella

Bella has been busy during the last few months, she has enjoyed lots of walks in the woods and loved seeing the many different flowers from Bluebells to Lupins and Foxgloves. She has been spending time relaxing in the sun and joining in with some yoga, her best position is called ‘down dog’. She set…

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