“Rivers know this: there is no hurry. We shall get there some day”
A. A Milne
What takes place before teaching in the classroom?
At St. Anthony’s the intention of the Inclusive Curriculum is implicit; this is the part of the curriculum that enables the inclusivity of all our pupils to join our vibrant, nurturing and diverse school community. The intent of the Inclusive Curriculum is to enable all pupils to achieve their personal goals; whether this is to be able to transition from one safe nurturing learning environment to another, or equally to be emotionally ready to interact with other peers or staff in the social setting of the school. There is really no limit to the impact that the Inclusive Curriculum should have.
Our academic curriculum is a wonderful vibrant mix of subjects, options and opportunities. However, the Inclusive Curriculum understands that not all learners are ready to access this curriculum fully, or indeed at some points during their time as part of our school community, at all. The intent of the Inclusive Curriculum is that this ‘readiness’ or ‘wellness’ should not be a stop sign in the journey of these pupils. The inclusive Curriculum supports pupils holistically, medically, emotionally and pastorally, through:
- Bespoke Supportive and holistic interventions
- In house school employed therapists
- Speech and language therapy
- Pastoral systems and support for families
- The Secondary Support Centre
- Personalised Learning programmes
- Medical team and health care planning
Please refer to the comprehensive overview ‘puzzle grids’ for each of these areas, and the Umbrella diagram which highlights the extensive approaches used under each of these categories.
The intent of the Inclusive Curriculum is that it is embedded, and therefore belongs, to the whole school, supporting pupils and staff alike in their own intent to deliver their subject and key stage curriculums.
The inclusive Curriculum interacts with every subject area, every key stage and every pupil and staff member. All our pupils can access a range of bespoke, child centred support through the provision outlined above.
Other significant adults in our pupil’s lives form a crucial partnership with the Inclusive Curriculum. All staff, with support, communication and patience and time, form a strong team. Additional needs and the development of a shared understanding of each child can be the best approach to helping a child develop and move forward, however small the step might be.
All pupils may access the Inclusive Curriculum at some point during their time within the school. This intent is seen as a strength: seeking help from others through a multi- professional team is the very best practice to ensure that we safeguard the well-being of all our pupils proactively and when they need it the most.
The Senior Leadership Team will:
- Lead the school staff to develop a clear overarching curriculum intent which drives the ongoing development and improvement of all curriculum subjects.
- Ensure that the curriculum leaders have appropriate time to develop their specific curriculum intent through careful research and professional development.
- Provide sufficient funding to ensure that implementation is high quality.
The Inclusive Curriculum Senior Leader will work closely with core staff within the inclusive Curriculum to:
- Understand and articulate the expectations of the Inclusive Curriculum to the Headteacher and Governing Body.
- Support teaching and support staff.
- Ensure an appropriate progression of knowledge is in place which supports the growth and supervision of each holistic approach within the Inclusive Curriculum.
- Support the ongoing personal journeys of our pupils and staff, especially when progress is shown in non-academic areas. The Inclusive curriculum will champion the personal growth and development of our more vulnerable pupils across the school.
What does this look like across the whole School?
Overview of Available Support – PDF
It is important to notice from the outset that the Inclusive Curriculum is a developing area of our school. We are constantly, through training, outreach and staff development adding and enriching our provision.
Another important distinction should be made between the outreach that other Curriculum areas may have to outside agencies. Those listed above are for the Inclusive Curriculum; there are often many more made by Curriculum areas and key stage departments not listed above.
Safeguarding is of paramount importance to all strands of the Inclusive Curriculum. All staff have a duty of care to safeguard pupils.
Access for all pupils
- All pupils can access the Inclusive Curriculum if there is a need. Each strand of the Inclusive Curriculum has its own system of identifying where there may be a need a specific referral process. Each strand of the Inclusive Curriculum has its own management structure.
- The table below lays out the overview of all of the implementation for the Inclusive Curriculum.
Each area has a team of staff working across the school which implement the provision. It is best practice to ensure that when working with some of our most complex pupils, and at times when they are in crisis or need that extra support, that we work together, and communicate our approach clearly and openly.
- Each strand equally is not working in isolation, and many of our pupils have approaches and opportunities implemented by several strands of the inclusive curriculum. The impact of this work is something that will be discussed in the next section. However it is clear that this can be as simple as a set of stretches from the physiotherapist delivered by a TA during tutor time, to a child on Child in Need plan where several of our staff from different strands (pastoral manager, medical manager member of the senior team) come together to support and put in place strategies for the pupils and home with a multi-disciplinary team from health and social care.
Classroom Organisation and Support
- Pupils work in a whole class, small groups or individually to support pupils in their development of their skills.
- Differentiation and personalisation are planned for within activities and allowance is made for ability and experience.
- Support staff are deployed effectively to enhance learning. Where ENF (Exceptional Needs Funding) is in place and equally where it is not, however the senior team recognise an exceptional need and are flexible and creative with school budget, pupils have bespoke timetables to support their strengths and vulnerabilities. This may be working out of the classrooms, or with their support in class supporting the whole class but there for them when they need it most. Support for their medical, social, emotional and physical needs is unique for each individual in school.
Inclusive play times
- The Support Centre runs a daily lunch time activity, with a different theme, the enable those pupils who find the large playground difficult to access a safe space to play, have clam time and sometimes to eat lunch where necessary.
- The Key stage 3 and 4 pupils have access to another space in the YAS room at lunchtimes to also have a space to come away from the play ground and take part in activities.
- At break times there is an inclusion room available for secondary pupils in the playground is too busy, or if they need to eat their snack in a calmer space for medical reasons.
- Each term we run a Rising Stars enrichment programme for pupils who would benefit from a sensory enriched experience in the Support Centre. This also enables us to run a bespoke trip/activity for those pupils who may not be able to access the main school trips throughout the year.
How is success in the Inclusive Curriculum Measured?
The Inclusive Curriculum is a holistic and child centred approach to working with all children in the school. It is based on the premise that all children may need support in their daily access to the school. Across the different strands of the Inclusive Curriculum, staff endeavour to make the journey through St Anthony’s inclusive and to promote personal growth and well-being. This cannot always be measured in exact steps, progress data or even visible success. Some of the progress made by pupils is perhaps ‘unseen’ in school, or even comes to fruition when they have moved on into adult life. We do however recognise that our pupil’s progress and achievement can be measured in other, non-academic ways which are listed below:
Our pupils are:
- Seen as individuals and given equal opportunity to access the Inclusive Curriculum
- Carefully considered at Pastoral, Curriculum, Holistic, Middle and Senior leader meetings as to their need to access the Inclusive Curriculum.
- Pupils will eventually have their journey through the different strands of the Inclusive Curriculum mapped and tracked which is a work in progress as we begin to understand more the impact that our Curriculum has on whole school data.
- The curriculum as a whole sees progress our ability to reduce anxieties, teaching and putting in place coping mechanism, building resilience, raising self-esteem, enhancing social skills and relationships within school and home, providing a safe outlet for strong emotions that might otherwise manifest itself in other behaviors, enhancing awareness of body and mind, giving pupils a chance to process significant events and most importantly making this an enjoyable and motivating experience.
Expected impact Outcomes:
- Progress in pupils may look like: a greater readiness and willingness to learn, increased participation in a range of academic and non-academic areas within school and community, enhance ability to focus, positive changes in behavior, positive changes in communication, an increase in appropriate interaction and a greater level of independence.
- The Inclusive Curriculum shows positive outcomes through pupil attendance data which shows how safe and secure pupil feel about coming into school, regardless of challenging home environments or existing SEMH barriers to education.
- SEMH and subsequent behaviour is tracked through the use of CPOMS. We can see trends in a pupil’s presentation in school, and this can be used to show positive outcomes in an intervention or change implemented in the pupils day as a result of the inclusive curriculum.
- We monitor the impact of the Inclusive Curriculum through learning walks and visits by SLT and Governors.
- In addition social emotional progress including self-confidence, interaction with and awareness of others and self-reflection may be discussed during Annual Reviews, in EOY reports, parent consultation evenings, open evenings and in postcards home to parents.
- Surveys, school questionnaires, in- house therapists using SDQ’s and the school well-being survey measure impact, on the pupils and on the staff working with pupils, and on the parental voice.
- Parental input is measured through home-school books, email, letter, phone-call, Annual review paperwork, school report feedback, parents evenings and open evenings.
- Working partners to the school, including private therapists, the NHS and charities will write reports based on their observations which are kept for all pupils and referred to in the process of the Inclusive Curriculums support packages.