St. Anthony’s is an outstanding day Special School, maintained by West Sussex County Council. The school caters for boys and girls aged 5-16. Currently we have 225 pupils on roll. All pupils admitted to St. Anthony’s School must have an Education, Health and Care Plan Statement.
We have pupils with a range of learning, medical or language difficulties. A high percentage of our pupils have speech and language difficulties. A significant number have autism, dyslexia, dyspraxia or other specific learning needs.
We provide a happy and supportive learning environment, in which your child will receive a balanced curriculum, with a wide range of opportunities that will help them to grow into independent responsible people. Pupils work towards national accreditation up to, and including where appropriate, GCSE. With a favourable adult to pupil ratio we aim to help your child learn and develop.

Our curriculum is designed to meet a wide variety of needs and incorporates the full range of National Curriculum subjects at appropriate stages.
We believe that our aims can only be achieved by working together with parents and carers, therefore close co-operation between home and school is vital. There are a number of ways in which we can work together to help your child and we are always available at the end of a phone should you have any queries.
We have regular parents’ evenings and support Parents and Friends Association. Everyone at St. Anthony’s is working towards making children’s development and time at school successful.
St. Anthony’s School motto is ‘Learning Together’. We have five aims for our children and they are:-
*A school where every member’s unique contribution to the school community is valued and given the support and encouragement necessary to meet the demands of education and personal change.
*A school where each child receives a broad and balanced curriculum that is personalised to enable each child to fulfil their full potential.
*A school to allow all pupils to develop positive relationships, build skills in tolerance, patience, trust and compassion and to value themselves, others and the world around them.
*A school to foster in our pupils a ‘can do’ attitude and positive approach to learning.
*A school that recognises the value of education as a life-long process to assist them in acquiring the necessary skills and confidence to develop and adapt as individuals.

To view our general school curriculum information you can follow this link ‘School Information’.