“Science gives man knowledge which is power; religion gives man wisdom which is control”. Martin Luther King, Jr

What takes place before teaching in the classroom?

At St. Anthony’s,  our principle aims are to develop pupil’s skills, knowledge,  and understanding, as well as engendering enthusiasm, a sense of wonder,  excitement on some natural phenomena,  present day  and future science and technology.

Our broad, enriching curriculum aims to encourage pupils in all key stages regardless of their disability/ability or cognitive skills to:

  • Ask and answer scientific questions
  • Plan and carry out scientific investigations, using apparatus, including computing tools  correctly
  • Know and understand the life processes of organisms from cells to systems
  • Know and understand the physical processes of Electrical circuits, Energy used in the home and workplace, Forces and their effects.
  • Know and understand materials and their properties, Elements and Compounds, Physical and Chemical reactions.
  • Evaluate evidence and present their conclusions as clearly and accurately as they can.

We are committed to ensuring pupils identify and understand the value and importance of science in their lives, their immediate environment and the world at large.  We aim that our pupils will be able to use their acquired skills, knowledge, and understanding across varying contents and contexts. This is through celebration of the Science Week every academic year, trips outside the school, enriched curriculum underpinned by practical or experiments where possible and safe.

The Senior Leadership Team will:

  • Ensure that the curriculum leaders have appropriate time to develop their specific curriculum intent through careful research and professional development.
  • Provide sufficient funding to ensure that implementation is high quality.

The Maths, Science and Computing Curriculum Leader will work closely with the subject teachers to:

  • Understand and articulate the expectations of the Maths, Science and Computing Department to the Headteacher and Governing Body.
  • Support teaching and support staff.
  • Ensure an appropriate progression of knowledge is in place which supports pupils from Key stage 1 – 4
  • Ensure all risk assessments are carried out by the science teacher and are accessible by both staff and pupils for delivery of the concepts that underpin the science curriculum across the Key Stages.
  • Ensure an appropriate progression for vocabulary is in place for each phase of learning, which builds on prior learning/knowledge.

What does this look like in the classroom?

Teaching and Learning

  • Secondary Science planning and delivery is carried out by a qualified Science Teacher and Associate Teachers/SSA’s based on The National Curriculum Scheme of Work for Science as the basis of its curriculum planning. The National Scheme has been adapted and differentiated to the Special circumstances of the school in that teaching is at a standard appropriate to the abilities, potential and the EHCP (Education and Health Care Plan) of the pupils.  
  • We carry out our curriculum planning in science in three phases (long-term, medium-term and short-term).  The long-term plan maps the scientific topics studied in each term during the key stage.  The science subject leader works this out in conjunction with teaching colleagues in each department of the school.  In some cases we combine the scientific study with work in other subject areas, as a discrete subject. Our medium-term plans give details of each unit of work for each term.  These plans are kept on the intranet under the Curriculum Portfolio Folder.
  •  KS3: Pupils are taught a range of co-ordinated and progressive scientific concepts based on the National Curriculum in KS3. We try to ensure each concept taught have a practical/ experiment or an investigation within a practical context. All the practical/experiment are fully risk assessed by the subject leader. Pupils at KS3 have science lessons twice per week. This is subject to review as from next academic year (2020/ 2021)

KS4: Science, being a one of the core subject, the Key Stage 4 curriculum has been developed to support St Anthony’s pupils with their individual skills, scientific knowledge and understanding at an appropriate standard of accreditation. Pupils in key stage 4 will be entered for an appropriate certification based on their ability and potential. Presently, we offer two certifications: Entry pathways in Science Today and GCSE (Combined Science: Trilogy 8464 Foundation).

  • The science Department has detailed planning under the Key Stage planning stored on the MSC Maths, Science and Computing dept.) Folder on the intranet.  
  • The Entry pathways in Science Today is a two year programme where pupils will need to complete five units at the end of their year 11. The five units are: Working with Electrical Circuits, Energy in Home and Workplace, Making Useful Compounds, Variation and Adaptation, and Science: Health and Safety). All the units/modules are 3 credit unit.
  • Pupils at Key Stage 4 starts the academic year (autumn term) with Working with Electrical Circuit.
  • While adequate provisions are made for the GCSE class through an hour extra tuition on Thursdays starting from 3.30 – 4.30pm. This is mostly used for the required practical and solving past questions papers. In addition, during lessons, the GCSE pupils are challenge further with solving additional question that relates to the concept being taught.
  • Pupils have the opportunity to use a variety of data, such as statistics, graphs, pictures, and photographs, apparatus including the Bunsen burner.  They use computing in science lessons where it enhances their learning and cross curricula.  Pupils take part in small group investigation and they present reports to the rest of the class.  They engage in a wide variety of problem solving activities. Wherever possible, we involve the pupils in ‘real’ scientific activities, for example, researching a local environmental or global issues such as  global warming, Coronavirus
  • Lessons take account of prior knowledge, individual skills (adapting apparatus), understanding of the concepts, scientific terms (receptive/expressive difficulties, visual impairment) and other EHCP for the pupils;
  • The application or uses of the taught concepts beyond the classroom are also considered. 

Classroom Organisation

  • Pupils work in a whole class, small groups or individually to support pupils in their development of their skills.
  • Differentiation and personalisation are planned for within activities and flexibility is made for ability and experience.
  • We provide appropriate apparatus and chemicals/reagent such as the Reuben tube for teaching waves, incubator and autoclave for microbes (Bacteria cultivating), Van De Graff Generators for Static electric, Data loggers for temperature probe, Microscopes (FL-100 Tungsten), Digital Ammeters and Voltmeters, Molecular Model sets and other  Models to enhance learning.
  • Engaging displays and learning walls are evident.
  • Support staff are deployed effectively to enhance learning.

Extra-Curricular Opportunities:

  • Additional opportunities are provided for outdoor activities and trips such as using the Brandy Hole Copse Nature Reserve for exploring organisms and their habitats, trip to 1851 Land Rover Barr in Portsmouth by year 9 pupils every academic year to attend a workshop on Cutting Edge Materials, Winchester Science Museum by year 8 pupils every academic year to reinforce the concept of Forces, their effects and applications.
  • We celebrate Science and Technology  in our termly assemblies, such as the Science Week
  • We organise science workshop such as the Classroom Medics by Medical Mavericks where pupils across the different Key Stages have the opportunities to measure their lungs volume, record an ECG from their heart and experience ageing.
  • Each term we run a Rising Stars enrichment programme for pupils who have shown an interest, passion and continued enthusiasm in Science.

How is success in Science measured?

Science teaches an understanding of natural phenomena.  It aims to stimulate a pupil’s curiosity in finding out why things happen in the way they do.  It teaches methods of enquiry and investigation to stimulate creative thought. In addition, science teaching helps to develop pupil’s scientific knowledge, skills and understanding, as well as engendering enthusiasm and a sense of wonder and excitement. We also make the teaching of science relevant to home, and forging links between school, home and the wider community.

Our pupils are:

  • Engaged because they are challenged by the curriculum which they are provided with.
  • Resilient learners who are learning to overcome barriers and understand their own strengths and areas for development.
  • Safe and happy to be active participants in Science lessons (having been given opportunities to explore their own creative development in a supportive and nurturing environment).
  • Showing progression of knowledge and understanding, with appropriate vocabulary and technical skills which support and extend learning.
  • Becoming confident in discussing science such as discussing prevailing development like global warming, microbes and pathogens (coronavirus), their own work and identifying their own strengths and areas for development


  • Pupils are provided with personalised progress trackers showing their subject targets. These are linked to St. Anthony’s Assessment Steps and allow pupils to discover areas of strength, as well as areas they might like to improve upon.
  • Our Progress Trackers for Steps and Pre-Steps are in place in pupil’s subject folders.
  • Data is recorded termly onto Classroom Monitor (our online recording system used for data collection). This enables staff to identify pupils who need additional support and develop those meeting or exceeding expectations.
  • Pupils are encouraged and nurtured to overcome any barriers to their learning or self-confidence because feedback is positive and focuses on scientific skills, knowledge and understanding.
  • Assessment shows that pupils develop scientific skills, confidence and understanding of some scientific concepts over time because of progression in  planning, focused delivery and other available resources for visual impairment, ASC, ADHD and Kinaesthetic learners.
  • Observations, listening, questioning (using both closed–ended and open–ended questions), discussing, digital recordings and involvement in the activities are used to make assessments.
  • Assessment in science takes account of the practical nature of the subject in which primary data or secondary data is collected, analysed and evaluated.
  • Across Key Stage 3, pupil’s progress are also assessed by completing a written end of the unit test under examination conditions.
  • While at Key Stage 4, pupils’ progress are also measured by their end of the year qualification they achieved.
  • We monitor the impact of our science provision through termly assessments, lesson observations, learning walks, performances and work scrutiny.
  • In addition to academic achievement, social emotional progress including self-confidence, interaction with and awareness of others and self-reflection may be discussed during Annual Reviews, in EOY reports, parent consultation evenings, open evenings and in postcards home to parents.

For more curriculum information about what pupils study in this subject please visit our curriculum and exams provision page .

Curriculum and Exams Provision Link