At St. Anthony’s, we know how important it is to help our pupils prepare for the future. We are also acutely aware that a huge transition such as leaving school can cause great anxiety for pupils and parents/carers alike. The Careers and Transition programme at St. Anthony’s is intended to ensure that all pupils and their parents/carers are supported to make fully informed decisions about post-16 plans, and that every pupil has a smooth, carefully planned transition to further education or training.
The Careers and Transition programme at St. Anthony’s begins in year 8 and includes a range of learning opportunities and activities that enable pupils to learn about the world of work, explore their skills and qualities, and increase their confidence and independence. From year 9, all pupils receive careers information, advice and guidance from our Transition Manager (a qualified Careers Adviser) at the school. The Transition Manager also attends pupils’ annual EHCP reviews from year 9 to offer information and advice to parents/carers, and begin pupils’ transition plans.
Currently, Careers and Transition lessons form part of the PSD curriculum at the school. These lessons focus on a range of topics and include the following:
Exploring careers
Rights and responsibilities
Skills and qualities
Health and safety
Options post-16
Employability skills
Managing change
Money and budgeting
Pupils also benefit from visits to further education colleges (including transition days), careers events both locally and nationally, visits to/from employers and practical activities and experiences. All pupils in year 11 engage in work experience in an environment that is appropriate to their interests and additional needs. Our aim is to broaden pupils’ knowledge, raise their aspirations, increase their confidence and independence and enable them to make successful transitions to adulthood.
Once pupils have left the school we maintain contact with them and offer ongoing advice as needed until they are settled in further education, employment, training or supported employment. Pupils transitioning to Chichester College have the advantage of accessing the St. Anthony’s Hub once a week which is in addition to their college courses.
The Hub is managed by St. Anthony’s staff and serves to ‘bridge the gap’ between school and college. Pupils benefit from continuing to work with familiar people from school and access a wraparound curriculum designed to increase their independence and confidence, and improve their social communication and functional skills. A number of pupils who have attended the Hub have progressed to higher level courses in further education, higher education courses or successfully gained employment.
For further information or support please visit the links below, or to discuss your child’s transition, please contact Clare Mc. Nair, Careers and Transition Manager, at the school.
Useful Careers and Transition Links
Careers Information and Advice
Keep an eye on our School Calendar for Careers and Transition Events!