Curriculum Design
Our intent is to enable each pupil’s individual abilities to be maximised at school, in the home and in the community. This intent begins from the initial placement at the school, reading paperwork and meeting with parent/carers and previous settings to gather as much information as possible to begin the journey. Pupils are grouped according to their needs, abilities, and age.
• The Primary Curriculum:
• The Secondary Curriculum:
• The Inclusive Curriculum:
A broad and balanced curriculum is in place to ensure high levels of interest and engagement whilst covering all areas required. The EYFS education programmes, National Curriculum and our inclusive curriculum provide the framework for us to decide what we intend the pupils to learn and develop in. Our progressive, structured curriculum meets a wide variety of needs and incorporates the full range of National Curriculum subjects at appropriate stages.
Secondary pupils work towards national accreditation up to, and including where appropriate, GCSE. The Curriculum is adapted and differentiated to enable pupils to make progress. Pupils in the secondary department will have the opportunity to access a wide range of opportunities to develop as young people. These include independent living, life skills and community learning in addition to the academic subjects, dependant on ability and individual needs. All the KS4 learning programmes are accredited.
Teaching staff have carefully considered the intent, implementation and impact of each curriculum area. This ensures continuity and supports transition between year groups and key stages. When teaching we focus on motivating children and building on their skills, knowledge and understanding of the curriculum. We use a range of resources to provide a well-balanced and broad curriculum.
Adaptive Teaching Model
We recognise that pupils learn at different rates and require different levels and types of support to succeed. We seek to understand pupils’ differences, including their different levels of prior knowledge and potential barriers to learning. This is seen as an essential part of teaching. We aim to adapt our teaching in a responsive way to increase pupil success.

The Inclusive Curriculum
The intent of the Inclusive Curriculum is to enable all pupils to achieve their personal goals; whether this is to be able to transition from one safe nurturing learning environment to another, or equally to be emotionally ready to interact with other peers or staff in the social setting of the school. It interacts with every subject area, every key stage and every pupil and staff member. All our pupils can access a range of bespoke, child centred support.
While our academic curriculum is a wonderful vibrant mix of subjects, options and opportunities. The Inclusive Curriculum understands that not all learners are ready to access this curriculum fully, or indeed at some points during their time as part of our school community, at all. The intent of the Inclusive Curriculum is that this ‘readiness’ or ‘wellness’ should not be a stop sign in the journey of these pupils. The inclusive Curriculum supports pupils holistically, medically, emotionally and pastorally, through:
• Bespoke Supportive and holistic interventions
• In house school employed therapists
• Speech and language therapy
• Pastoral systems and support for families
• The Secondary Support Centre
• Personalised Learning programmes
• Medical team and health care planning
Overview of bespoke support:
We also offer a range of therapies and are committed to multi-agency working to ensure that the needs of the whole child are met. Where appropriate pupils have a care plan which identifies their care needs including personal care needs and the administration of medication when required. Professionals from other agencies including Speech and Language Therapy, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Sensory Support, (CAMHS) visit the school weekly as we hold in house clinics. As well as supporting individual pupils these professionals advise staff around strategies and offer training.
Primary Department
Primary Long Term Plan 2024-25
Secondary Department
Key Stage 4 2024-25 External Accreditation Provision
Year 7 Curriculum Provision 2024 – 25
Year 8 Curriculum Provision 2024 -25
Year 9 Curriculum Provision 2024 – 25
Year 10 Curriculum Provision 2024 -25
Year 11 Curriculum Provision 2024 -25
Secondary Curriculum Information Boards – What is my child learning at school this Autumn 2024?
The following curriculum information boards provide a visual PCS overview of your child’s topics.